viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2021


Hi everyone!

At present I'm studing the career of Renewable Natural Resources Engineer, and in this year it has changed the curriculum, incorporanding new subjects that I didn't reach to learn.  So, today I'm going to talk about the old curriculum.. I think that we need to change some of the subjects that are far of the competence of a engineer and the subjects that don't have a correct focus. For example, I would like to have a subject that teach me some of geospatial tools or tools to manage data or qualitative information. 

About the workload and length of studies, I think that this career is so long! it's supposed to last 5 years, but on the final semester, you don't have time to make your thesis, so, most of the student develop this process on a extra 6th year... like me haha. For that reason, I think that we need a space on the curriculum to do the thesis and with courses that teach how to write it or maybe leassons that help to made it.

The pandemic and quarantine has affected us a lot in terms of classes, for example, the develop of the online teaching it was a good experience for me, but I miss the practical leassons, like go out, be at some lab, the library, etc. And I think that the career needs more technology, especially buying new computers that may be capable of processing heavy softwares and programs.

Finally,I would like to say that some teachers need to change her traditional form to do classes, applying new teaching methods, like improving work through objectives.

And that's all I can say for now.

Do you think the same?

3 comentarios:

  1. There are always subjects that you don't understand why they are there and they don't have the right focus, we should try and make them remove them.

  2. I really like my actual programme, which is the same as you, but
    I definitely agree that teachers have to change some of their teaching methods... You end up learning Rstudio by yourself.

  3. I agree with you in all you said! About the subjects, maybe we should study some things in deeply, but sometimes the career is so open that we have unnecesary subjects or superficial ones:C



Hi everyone!! Today I will write about my english language challenges, and it's the last blog :( but don't worry, maybe we'll se...