viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2021


Hi everyone!! Today I will write about my english language challenges, and it's the last blog :( but don't worry, maybe we'll see us someday haha.

Well, to the point is that I always had a big interest on speak English because I always liked to listen to music on this language, play videogames and movies that were subtitled, among other things, even though I didn't understand too much things related to grammar. So, when I had to write in english for the English III and IV I was very confused about some words or how to say what I wanted to say.

In general, I think that the experience learning english at university was good, it was fun to talk with my classmates and do the blogs, but it was specially funny to comment on my friend Daniela's blogs haha, actually we did togheter the courses of English III and IV.

I think that I have to improve on grammar and expand my vocabulary because sometimes I don't know hoy to say some things and I appeal to easy words. So, my plan to improve this is to exercises writing a lot on English, like on a personal blog or maybe watching movies without subtitles.

I use english to understand the documents for my thesis and sometimes I speak with my boyfriend in this language to exercies and improve our fluency when we speak.

And that's all, have a nice day.

See you!! for ever haha

viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2021


Hi everyone!

At present I'm studing the career of Renewable Natural Resources Engineer, and in this year it has changed the curriculum, incorporanding new subjects that I didn't reach to learn.  So, today I'm going to talk about the old curriculum.. I think that we need to change some of the subjects that are far of the competence of a engineer and the subjects that don't have a correct focus. For example, I would like to have a subject that teach me some of geospatial tools or tools to manage data or qualitative information. 

About the workload and length of studies, I think that this career is so long! it's supposed to last 5 years, but on the final semester, you don't have time to make your thesis, so, most of the student develop this process on a extra 6th year... like me haha. For that reason, I think that we need a space on the curriculum to do the thesis and with courses that teach how to write it or maybe leassons that help to made it.

The pandemic and quarantine has affected us a lot in terms of classes, for example, the develop of the online teaching it was a good experience for me, but I miss the practical leassons, like go out, be at some lab, the library, etc. And I think that the career needs more technology, especially buying new computers that may be capable of processing heavy softwares and programs.

Finally,I would like to say that some teachers need to change her traditional form to do classes, applying new teaching methods, like improving work through objectives.

And that's all I can say for now.

Do you think the same?

domingo, 14 de noviembre de 2021


Hi everyone! How is your day?

I am a big fan of history, it caughts a lot my attention to know how the human species has become to get his development trought the time. So, if the time machine were invented, I would like to travel to the future, because I find it is more interesting to me than the past. I would like to understand what or how is life (and if there is life on a future) to understand how the human life is on the future or any entity with life that is still on earth. 

I would like to be able to know how is the life since the year 3000 to know how the territory of the planet is being in general, to be able to see if humanity continues to exist, if the Earth has changed or in general how things are going. I hope that humans could create a way to survive but in connection with the environment and the universe. I think this way because there are a lot good people and beautiful things that the humanity gives who don't deserve the extinction. But that's is my opinion.

I would like to go with friends or with my boyfriend, I think we would go to visit the different places. I don't think I would like to live there, because I like my life as it is and it motivates me to continue fighting so that we can take care of the planet while we can. 

I think that's all I can say for today

What do you think? Do you prefer the future or the past?


sábado, 23 de octubre de 2021


Hi everyone! Today I will write about my future job. 

I think that I would like a job when I could use all the tools that my career give me. I imagine myself on the field, studying ecosystems and landscapes. For that reason, I hope to have a job where I could go outside, I love to be outdoor and see the nature, trees, plants and insects. Definitely I would like to travel a lot by myself and also when I will be working at a job that I like. And Actually I have to travel a lot because my career is full of field work. For example, I have to take work samples of soil, plants or measure things, among other things. I think that I would like to work at a big company and university projects, and if I get bored, I think that I will try to work at an government office, but it is not my goal.

This year I graduate from Renewable Natural Resources Engineering and I would like to specialize in remote sensing or ecosystem modeling, I hope to be able to study in Canada because I find this country very beautiful and it is full of universities with specialties from my career. 

I hope to make my dreams true, and you?


lunes, 18 de octubre de 2021


Hi everyone! Today I will write about art. For me, art is a form to express yourself in a beautiful and visual way, I love how by colours, forms, lines, you can make so majestic pieces of art, and you don't need a lot of expensive materials, if you had creativity you can make big things. I enjoy art to make it myself and enjoy seeing pieces of art by other people. When I was in high school mi favourite class was art, I have a lot memories about it. For example, my teacher always talked to us about the art's history and I was so in love. In fact, my mom is an art teacher, so I was interested in art since I was a little child. I haven't visit a lot of art museums, but the places where I have been, were so beautiful. I used to draw in a big block, and I haven't participed on competitions. I like the surrealism art, I love how a person could express the mess that is in her head, and my favourite piece of art is "The Elephants" by Salvador Dalí, actually one day I hope tattoo myself with this draw. Is so warm, and fancy, I love it. And that's all I can say for now.


jueves, 7 de octubre de 2021


I was born in 19th on march of the year 1999. I remember from my childhood the delicious spaghetti that my grandmother "nené" used to do, when she cooked it was the best daysss, was so tasty and I get so happy and nostalgic thinking about it. When I was a child I used to live in Coquimbo on 2001-2002, I remember dancing with my sister the axe bahía and porto seguro's songs, that were played on TV in a show called mekano. Also, I used to listening the CD's of "A*teens" group, that is a band that made cover songs of ABBA. My earliest childhood memory is my life in Coquimbo when I was three years ago. I remember my toys, my neighborhood, festivities like chistmas or halloween. I remember a house on halloween where a disguised person that scared me. It was soo scary! And my most favourite childhood memory is when I ate the "guaguitas" outside the school of my sister.

Outside my school I used to do my favourite activities like play playstation 1, watch my VHS's movies of disney or others like Chicken Run. I used to stay late watching movies and sometimes my mother enter to my room and I faked to sleep, when I was actually awake. 

Well, in conclusion, my childhood were so beautiful, full of love by my parents, my sister, my grandmothers and grandfathers, I feel very greatfull to had this opportunity that not everyone has.

domingo, 3 de octubre de 2021

POST 2: The best concert I've been to.

Hi everyone, today I will write about the best concert I've been to. Actually I have been to different concerts by group bands like Iron Maiden, System of a Down, Tokio Hotel, Never shout Never, Green day, Chancho en Piedra, Ska-p, among others. And for this post I choose the Green day's concert because it was the first concert I ever had. The concert was at 24th octuber of 2010 on the Bicentenario La Florida's stadium. By that time, I was 11 years old, and I went with my father and my cousin, and I should met there with my best friend at that time, but she get too far from me and I was near of the members of the group, almost in front of the concert, so it was a great experience. I saw the integrants, Billie Joe the vocalist, Tre Cool the drummer and Mike Drint the bass guitarrist. The atmosphere was so great, I love it, and I enjoy every second of the concert, the crowd jumped and was full of energy. Also, I sang all the songs and I remember it with so much love. I hope you some day will have a best concert of your life like it was mine. Bye!


Hi everyone!! Today I will write about my english language challenges, and it's the last blog :( but don't worry, maybe we'll se...